European Soccer News

Agent of Stefano Sturaro: ‘Juve the last team he wanted to score against’ | English News

19 March at 17:30

Stefano Sturaro scored and played fantastically as he helped Genoa defeat his former club Juventus at the weekend; bringing to an end the Bianconeri’s unbeaten spree in Serie A and raising questions about just how good the squad is. 

Speaking to RMC Sport after the game, Carlo Volpi, Sturaro’s agent, revealed more about his thoughts, feelings and opinions both related to the game and to the bigger picture:

“Juventus was the last team in the world that he wanted to score against; Juventus were undecided whether to sell him until the end. He has a crazy relationship with everyone: from the president to Mr. Allegri: For him it was a heavy year and this goal means breathing: he saw the light at the end of the tunnel, he has a very strong head.

“It was beautiful yesterday, he was very excited. Stefano loves both Genoa and Juventus, the two companies that have enhanced his career but in the future there is the idea of going abroad.

“Juventus to win the Champions League? They have never been ready like this year. I did not believe that Ronaldo was so strong but he is a true Martian. Then it will also take a good dose of luck. Atletico? I knew they would play a crazy game.”

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