European Soccer News

Top shirt sponsorship deals in Europe: Man United on top, AC Milan best in Italy, Sassuolo the surprise | English News

29 March at 21:15

Shirt sponsorship deals can often generate high income for football clubs. Clubs across Europe seek the biggest brands to feature on their jerseys, with the likes of Emirates, Gazprom, Volkswagen or Etihad present on the kits of the continent’s biggest clubs.

A recent study on the biggest football sponsorship deals in Europe’s top 5 leagues has revealed that Manchester United’s deal with Chevrolet is the most profitable one (71 million euros per year). The top earner from Italy is AC Milan with an agreement with Emirates worth 18.5 million euros per season, while Sassuolo is a surprise presence in the top 20 with earnings as high as 18 million euros from Mapei.

Unsurprisingly, the biggest earners are in England and Spain, while clubs in Italy, as foreshadowed above, earn significantly less from sponsorship deals.

Click on the gallery to see the top 20 biggest shirt sponsorship deals across Europe’s top 5 league competitions.

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