European Soccer News

Former Nainggolan teammate: ‘He’s very generous but often fell into traps’ | English News

27 February at 16:00

Former Cagliari midfielder Daniele Conti, who played at the club alongside Inter Milan midfielder Radja Nainggolan, spoke to Sky Sport about his former teammate, revealing more about the Belgian’s true personality.

“The most beautiful memory? Once, despite never having played in Serie A, one day he entered the locker room and said: ‘How can I not play here?’ I told him he was wrong, but he made me understand as much as he believed in himself, this aspect has carried him along for the whole career, despite the football difficulties, he has always been able to react.

“He’s a kid in the locker room, he jokes a lot, if there’s a dinner with 50 people he pays for them all, he’s very generous in life, he’s got a huge heart, then he often falls in small traps.

“How was it to play next to him? Technically a great player, he would recover 100 balls per game, for a playmaker to have one so close is important, he helped me a lot, he can do any midfield role, he does everything well because he has a devastating physical power and he has improved in crosses and shooting; I think is a complete player.”

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