European Soccer News

Scarpini: ‘Mourinho will never return to Inter, here’s why…’ | English News

14 March at 16:00

Inter TV director and host Roberto Scarpini has spoken to Sportitalia about the possibility of Jose Mourinho returning to Inter Milan and why he thinks it is a very unlikely outcome.

“I think that Jose Mourinho will never return to Inter. In other places he won but he never did the clean sweep as he did at Inter. I understand that he is in the hearts of Inter fans, that he has Inter in his heart, there is a reality that in his career it will paradoxically be the highest point. Honestly, I have the feeling that he wants to keep this kind of image, of love.”

Therefore, Scarpini is arguing that Mourinho’s triple success at Inter the first time round will, ironically, be what discourages him from a return – not wanting to tarnish his reputation and turn the Inter Milan fans against him like he managed to do with the Manchester United fans before he was sacked at the end of last year.

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