European Soccer News

Bonucci on his comments about Kean: ‘My words have been misunderstood’ | English News

03 April at 23:30

Juventus defender Leonardo Bonucci has responded to criticism that his comments about Moise Kean have generated.

Bonucci called Kean’s celebration against Cagliari as a 50-50 affair, saying that he should not have celebrated that way despite racist chants against the young striker. The Old Lady star has been criticized for also pushing away Kean after he had celebrated.

Bonucci though has now defended his comments, saying that they were misunderstood. 

He posted a message on Instagram. It said: “Yesterday I was interviewed right at the end of the game, and my words have been clearly misunderstood, probably because I was too hasty in the way I expressed my thoughts.

“Hours and years wouldn’t be enough to talk about this topic. I firmly condemn all forms of racism and discrimination. The abuses are not acceptable at all and this must not be misunderstood.”

Bonucci’s comments yesterday caused outrage among the football world with the likes of Raheem Sterling, Demba Ba and Borussia Dortmund’s official Twitter account.

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